
How Pro-Abortion Activists Could Play a Key Part in Aborting This Country

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Few topics in this country are as contentious as abortion. It's one of those topics that spurs people to violence and threats the moment any threat is presented to it or intimidation and destruction for anything that provides competition to it, as we've seen in the case of crisis pregnancy centers. 

But why is it so contentious? Everything points to the fact that abortion isn't exactly a life and death situation, at least in the vast majority of cases, and I don't know anyone who would argue that if the pregnancy was going to kill the mother, then both mother and baby should buy their respective farms. 

Democrats and abortion activists have spent literal decades convincing women that abortion is somehow tied to their well-being as women. Even if they never get one, want to start a family, and would never dream of aborting their child, they've convinced many women that the access and availability of abortions are directly tied to their status as free citizens. 

This is, of course, all smoke and mirrors. Abortion is hardly a measure of your freedom, any more than the ability to assault and steal with no consequences is a measure of your freedom. Abortion is not healthcare, nor is it a necessity of life. 

When you take a step back and look at the grander picture, abortion is actually a first-world issue. 

Look at it this way. Do you think women in developing countries have abortion at the top of their list of concerns? No. They're more concerned about clean water, the availability of food, safety, and other base needs and concerns. Abortion is something you can give your stress and concern to when all other basic issues have been addressed. 

Yet, according to a new poll by the Wall Street Journal, suburban women have abortion at the top of the list of concerns, and not by a small margin. 

While the collapse of Roe v. Wade will go down as one of the greatest moments in modern American history, it did kick off a backlash against the Republican Party that is still being felt now. The Democrats, after decades of convincing women that their "right" to abortion was under threat, sold the idea that women's rights were being stripped from them. 

Abortion was never a Constitutional right, but repeat a lie enough, and it becomes the truth.

According to Pew, 63 percent of Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, giving you a stunning look at how well abortion has been sold to people, especially after Dobbs

The truth is that the question about whether abortion was legal was kicked to the states, and voters in each state could put whatever restrictions or allowances they wanted to around the issue. This is the way it should be in America, especially around an issue where a great deal of people have moral misgivings about the topic... to put it lightly. 

But you know all this. 

Here's what many people don't seem to understand outside RedState's readership, or those who don't pay too much attention to political matters at all. 

Real issues are on the line here. Our economy is tanking and will continue to tank under the same leadership that crashed us over the past four years, only now with a new cackling face and name. 

Our border is wide open, allowing criminal elements of many varieties to pour in, including sex traffickers, drug traffickers, child traffickers, Middle Eastern terrorist elements, Chinese spies, and more. 

Crime has spiked. Inflation has spiked. Prices have spiked. Real attacks on real rights have spiked. 

Yet we have an overt concern about abortion from a good chunk of America's women, as if this is the one issue that will decide the fate of their lives. 

This can't just go ignored. There needs to be a real push to counter the narratives that the Democrats have spent years and years plugging into the minds of the American people. If you think the collapse of Roe was going to set everything right, I have to inform you that it could be the seedbed through which America is collapsed. It could be the reason so many women get out to vote for Kamala Harris, thus tipping the scales and plunging our country further into trouble. 

We have to begin undoing the brainwashing and narratives put out by the left, or else abortion could be a huge reason we lose so much. 


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