Disney Folds on Wrongful Death Lawsuit After Thorough Public Shaming

AP Photo/Francois Mori, File

Disney has decided to forego its attempt to push arbitration over a wrongful death that occurred in one of its restaurants after the case caught the public's attention, prompting them to come down on Disney for what is definitely one of the more horrific things it's done in recent memory.


In case you need a refresher or are just hearing about this for the first time, a man named Jeffrey Piccolo is suing Disney after his wife, Dr. Kanakporn Tangsuan, died after a fatal allergic reaction while eating at Disney Springs restaurant in Florida. The couple asked multiple times if allergens would not be in her food, and were assured each time that they weren't, only for Tangsuan to go into anaphylactic shock and die despite being injected with an EPI pen. 

Piccolo sued Disney, but Disney's lawyers attempted to weasel the company out of the suit by sending it to arbitration based on an agreement Piccolo had signed when he agreed to the terms and conditions for a free trial of Disney+, which stated that any disputes with Disney or its affiliates would be sent to arbitration. This includes complaints for “sites, software, applications, content, product and services." 

An argument that Piccolo's lawyer called "surreal." 

(READ: Disney Hits Its Lowest Point As It Attempts to Weasel Out of Court for the Wrongful Death of a Woman)

However, the story got out about the case and pervaded social media, making Disney look very, very bad and Disney has now decided to pull back its claim for arbitration. While Disney does not say public pressure played a part in its decision, many highly doubt that the company suddenly grew a conscience. According to the New York Post, Disney is proclaiming it's suddenly all about "humanity":


Disney has backtracked on its push to have a wrongful death lawsuit filed by a New York University doctor’s grieving husband tossed because of fine print in the widower’s Disney+ streaming service subscription.

The theme park juggernaut revealed its decision to reverse course late Monday after sparking outrage for arguing in court filings that Jeffrey Piccolo shouldn’t be able to sue over his wife Kanokporn Tangsuan’s allergy-related death because of the subscription agreement he had signed years earlier.

“At Disney, we strive to put humanity above all other considerations,” Josh D’Amaro, chairman of Disney Experiences, said in a statement to The Post about the company’s decision.

It's likely too little too late for Disney to recover any face at this point. Corporations don't move quickly, which means a group of people had to sit down and think this up as a way to soften the blow from the lawsuit. What probably happened is that the PR became so nightmarish for Disney over this issue that someone in the C-suite had to tell them to cut it out. 

The lawsuit will now go forward, and we'll see what Disney attempts to do from here. I'm not sure if anything short of laying down and paying whatever Piccolo wants will redeem Disney at this point, but as I said, the damage is likely done here. Disney's heartlessness here is going to leave a bad taste in the mouths of many. 


But this is just one issue in a bucket of issues Disney is having right now. 

(READ: Disney Exposed: VP Caught Talking Discriminatory Hiring Practices)


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