
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Contradictory Racial Charges As the Press Attempts to Protect Kamala Harris

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

The imperative to protect Kamala Harris and rewrite her past has the press operating at a new level of desperation. Exhibit A, in this case, is George Stephanopoulos accusing Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) of uttering a slur (unspoken) and being obsessed with a topic that George continues to bring up. And it was not the only racial contradiction.

Donald Trump was accused of racism for suggesting Kamala Harris came into D.C. as an Indian-American and not identifying as black, yet there was the Associated Press describing Harris in that exact fashion as she won her Senate seat. Getting even better is The Huffington Post, which delivered a tortured column that managed to do two things: It declared anyone calling Harris a DEI hire as basically using the N-word, all while celebrating that she could become the first DEI president. Make sense of that if you can, because we…cannot.

At CNN, Abby Phillip was cheering that Donald Trump faced tough questions from the black journalism conference but was unconcerned that Kamala could not be bothered to face any questions herself. Then, we have an update about CNN, as the network announced a major shift in its content.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



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