WATCH: Sky News Learns That Diversity Isn't Their Strength During Live Hit Bemoaning the 'Far-Right'

AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

A recent stabbing spree in Southport, England took the lives of three young girls and left ten others injured, and it wasn't long before the backlash began. Initial reports that the assailant was a migrant led to riots which were swiftly quashed and denounced by the UK government. 


By the time it was revealed that the attacker was not a migrant but a 17-year-old born in Wales to Rwandan parents, the backlash to the backlash had begun. While far-left PM Keir Starmer was quick to the anti-migration protests that occurred, he was nowhere to be found as roving bands of Islamists took to the streets to begin beating people for supposed wrong-think regarding immigration. 

The same police who were quick to arrest "far-right" protesters, even pulling people out of their homes for online speech, were suddenly unwilling to lift a finger against the "Muslim Defense League" as its members rampaged. The two-tiered system of justice in the UK was laid bare. 

SEE: After Stabbing Spree, a Clash of Cultures in the UK Paints a Bleak Future

It wasn't just the government, though. On cue, the British press also took the side of the Islamists who were seeking to enact Sharia Law through vigilantism. One such outlet was Sky News, which has repeatedly taken the side of terrorists regarding the Israeli conflict with Hamas.


On Monday, a reporter from the outlet was on the scene of one of one of the protests being carried out by Islamists. Despite the attempt at coddling the violent mobs during the live hit (it was bemoaning the "far-right" instead), Sky News quickly learned that diversity is not, in fact, their strength. 

One man rides up on a bike yelling about "Palestine" before addressing Israel with profanity. Others then surround the reporter, with one man walking up to the camera and mimicking a trigger pull with his finger. All of them wore black clothes and masks in an attempt to hide their identity and intimidate others. At that point, the feed was cut and the in-studio host fumbled over an apology for the language used. 

What did the chyron say during the entire scene? It was a prior quote from Starmer pledging that the "far-right" rioters will "feel the full force of the law." Even as the Islamists on camera represented such a danger that the live hit had to be cut short, Sky News was still dutifully repeating the "approved" talking points. 

To further illustrate that, earlier in the broadcast the same reporter was warning about "far-right" protests even as her own cameraman filmed an Islamist with a sword. 


Left-wingers in the UK truly believe that they will be spared as Islamism continues to gain a foothold in their country. They think if they virtue signal hard enough that they value "diversity," they will be seen as allies and not enemies. That's not reality, though. There is no "left and right" in the Islamic world. There is only complete domination, and a lot of British citizens are going to learn that the hard way.


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