
Kansas Sues Drug Maker Over COVID Vax—'Questions About What Pfizer Is Hiding and Why It Is Hiding It'

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, Pool

The state of Kansas filed suit Monday against drug manufacturer Pfizer, who raked in billions in profits from its experimental COVID vaccine even as myriad patients reported health effects including myocarditis and pericarditis. The vaccine was also originally touted as a way to prevent COVID, but as it soon became apparent that you could catch the Wuhan Flu even after getting jabbed, authorities quickly backtracked and claimed they never said that and that it was only meant to make the symptoms less severe should you catch it.

Except that we have it on tape:


The day of reckoning may be at hand if Kansas Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach has anything to say about it:

The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the company marketed the shot as "safe" even though it "knew" the vaccine was connected to "serious adverse events." 

"Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine," the 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the District Court of Thomas County alleges.

"Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public," the suit alleges. 

The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act on its way to taking in approximately $75 billion in just two years. Kobach said the company had the critical data but chose to hide it:

The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer used various methods to "conceal critical data" related to the "safety and effectiveness" of the vaccine, including using confidentiality agreements, an extended timeline, and destroying the control group participating in its vaccine trial. 

"Because Pfizer unblinded the original control group and allowed them to receive Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer, government regulators, and independent scientists cannot fully compare the safety and efficacy of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine against unvaccinated individuals," the lawsuit alleges.

"Pfizer’s extensive and aggressive efforts to keep its COVID-19 vaccine information hidden conflict with its public transparency pledges and raise serious questions about what Pfizer is hiding and why it is hiding it," it says. 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also filed suit against Pfizer in November 2023. That case is currently pending.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer for 'False, Deceptive, and Misleading' COVID Vaccine Claims

Pfizer—along with a complicit government, Big Tech, and corporate media—bulldozed aside any concerns about its controversial vaccine back in those dark days and tried to ruin anyone who questioned either the effectiveness of the shots or the risks:

Seek and destroy:

Pfizer Board Member Scott Gottlieb Pressured Twitter to Censor Vaccine Criticism

Reuters Rushes in to Protect Government, Informing Us Nobody Promised Vaccines Would Prevent Spread of COVID

Pfizer Executive Admits They and the White House Lied About Vaccine Efficacy

New Vaccine Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Actually Increase Probability of Being Infected With Omicron After 90 Days

RedState was on top of the scandal as it unfolded; read all our extensive coverage here.

I knew early on that they were lying to us. By the time the shots were introduced, I wasn’t interested—I had already lost faith in the system between the scattershot mask mandates and school lockdowns. I’ve been lucky to have a strong immune system and figured if I get COVID, I get COVID; hopefully it wouldn't suck too bad. 

But my father was ill, and I knew without being told that to visit him, I would need to be vaccinated. The clock was ticking (sadly, he passed away last fall). I made a calculus: I was still young enough to fight off any virus infection, I wasn’t planning on having any more kids, I was in good health, and I wanted to see my father. I’d go in and get one. 

To this day, I’m thrilled that by the luck of the draw, I got the Johnson and Johnson—which was not an mRNA vaccine. (Although, funnily enough, it was recalled the day after I got the shot.) However, someone close to me did get an mRNA vaccine, and you know what? They immediately experienced side effects. Side effects that if you talked about, you would be ridiculed and called a conspiracy nut.

But here’s the rub—weeks later, even as our authorities were still telling us you couldn’t get the WuFlu if you were jabbed—we both got it, even though we had different vaccines. I knew then and there we were being lied to on a massive scale. 

Will there be any accountability? It’s doubtful, but I applaud Paxton and Kobach for trying. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla couldn’t care less; he’s made his billions and has shown repeatedly that greed is his priority

We must all do everything in our power to see that the mass psychosis that engulfed our country—with lockdowns, vaccine mandates, mass firings for failure to comply, and the endless shaming of our youth—never happens again. Even if these lawsuits go nowhere, it’s important that they continue to shine a light on the malfeasance that went unchecked at the highest levels of government, industry, and Big Tech.

REMEMBER: The Lockdowns Four Years Later, and How They Trampled on Our Liberties (VIP)

Don’t forget.


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